viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008


tema: los adjetivos

presentado a : liliana villareal
-diego gustin

nombres : dafne rosero
- andrra insuasty salas

grado : 11 - 1

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2008


the adjetives are the words that we use to describe the names. they can say to as any characteristic of the name with which they (he,she) might be on his (her,your) form, calor, etc.
in inglish, the adjetives are invariable words, that is to say only they have the only (unique, singular) form.
unlike the spanish the english adjetives do not have kind and do not change the singular one to the plural when to the name to which they describe it changes form


The adjective is the word that he(she) accompanies on the noun to determine it or to qualify it; it(he,she) expresses characteristics or properties attributed to a noun, already be concrete (the green book, the big book), already be abstract (the difficult book). These adjectives accompany to the substantive(substantival) book and fulfill the function to specify or highlight someone of his(her,your) characteristics and it is said that they determine it, so, on having added an adjective already does not speak itself(himself,herself) of any book, but precisely of a green book, or of the big one.

The adjective is a class of word that works ordinarily like adjacent of the substantive(substantival) name, this is, as nominal attached complement that places ahead or after the noun to which it(he,she) refers, with which(whom) it(he,she) agrees in Spanish in kind(genre) and number.

clases de adjetivos

En inglés hay ocho clases de adjetivos:

1. Calificativos: good, bueno; thin, delgado; dry, seco; bad, malo; short, corto

2. Demostrativos: this, este; that, aquel; these, estos; those, aquellos

3. Distributivos: each, cada; every, todo; either, uno y otro; neither, ni uno ni otro.

4. De cantidad: some, algún; any, cualquier; little, poco; few, pocos; many, muchos; much, mucho; enough, bastante

5. Interrogativos: which?, cual?; what?, ¿qué?; whose?, ¿de quién?, etc.

6. Posesivos: my, mi; your, tu, su, vuestro, his, su (de él); her, su (de ella); its, su (de ello), our, nuestro; your, vuestro, their, suyo (de ellos/as)

7. Propios: French, francés; English, inglés; Spanish, español; etc.

8. Numerales: one, uno; ten, diez; first, primer, second, segundo; etc.


- Los adjetivos en inglés son invariables en género y número.

yellow = amarillo, amarilla, amarillos, amarillas

- Normalmente se colocan delante del sustantivo:

I have a big book / Tengo un libro grande

- Verbo To be + (am/is/are/was, etc.) + adjetivo

These pictures are very beautiful / Esas imágenes son muy bonitas

- To be + adjetivo tiene en ocasiones la equivalencia a "Tener"

I'm hungry / Tengo hambre

clases de adjetivos

Las siguientes frases tienen algún error. Escríbelas de forma correcta.

1. They have two blues cars.

2. The car small is in the garage.

3. Are John and Elizabeth having lunch in an restaurant expensive?

4. Pat is listening to bads news on the radio.

5. I sent my brother somes magazines.

adjetivos que terminan en y

cuando los adjetivos terminan en y griega precedida de una consonante, transforman la y griega en i la tina. ejemplo :
* greedy = greedier = gloton

* dry = drier = seco

exixten algunas excepciones, cuando la y griega esta precedida de una vocal no cambia


* grey = greyer = gris

adjetivos de una silaba

adjective + ER + THAN = MAS + adjetivo + QUE

This book is cheaper than that magazine.
Este libro es más barato que esa revista.

Con los polisílabos se antepone more (más) al adjetivo seguido de than (que comparativo):